The “Conspiracy” of “Correct think”

Shaun Turner
3 min readMar 10, 2024


Hot take: “Conspiracy theories” are a natural and healthy response to a fundamental lack of trust in the person, body or group espousing instruction or opinion.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

This is an outpouring of thought before church so, do forgive my grammatical errors.

I would argue that “conspiracy theories” (theories that challenge the “official” narrative) are fundamental to the validity of and the pursuit of validity in the state and the media.

A healthy society embraces challenges and addresses them by open honesty and valid data, it does not hide behind a wall of shouting sheep. A healthy society facilitates and seeks to understand protest, a healthy society allows and ENCOURAGES people to question, a healthy society facilitates the overturning of ideas by rigorous and open discussion. A healthy society is built by a vibrant and rigorous education system that allows for and actively encourages all of this, a “system” that teaches future adults HOW to think not WHAT to think.

Photo by Tom Radetzki on Unsplash

I would suggest that to dismiss someone as a “conspiracy theorist” or a “nutjob” simply because they challenge a narrative that is considered to be “established”, “beyond proof” or “agreed with by 90% of x” without backing those dismissal statements up with verifiable facts and open discourse, speaks more to the accuser than the accused.

If you think about it, as a population, we are subject to “grey-flag” events daily, our “narratives” are shaped by biased media and biased propaganda from a state machine backed up by biased international organisations and yet we hold these up by and large to be the “truth” givers. The means by which a narrative is embedded into the zeitgeist are plain to see and yet, here we are, believing everything without question.

The biggest failure as a society is one of a lack of critical thinking for from this, all good things flow – the assumption that the state, media and global organisations care about us or have our good interests at heart is at best rose-tinted, and to never question or challenge is to never open the door.

If one demands data and proof from “conspiracy theorists” to back up their “crazy” statements, then surely one should also have the intellectual honesty to apply the same rules and demands to the narrative that one does support. One should examine the heart of their questioning, what is the root cause of that, what is it that has driven their questioning?

If we simply regurgitate what the media and state say and espouse that as “fact” rather than one side of a many-sided story to be investigated then, whither free thought?

Photo by Jason Hogan on Unsplash

The greatest gift we have to give to the next generation is freedom – if you shout people down because they think differently you are yourself nailing the coffin lid of freedom for the next generation and perhaps, exhibiting the perfectly normal human emotion of fear – fear that you may, just may, have been lied to.

Have a great day!



Shaun Turner
Shaun Turner

Written by Shaun Turner

Digital Transformation Leader | AI Enthusiast | Strategist | Podcast host | Reformed Theology Nerd

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