Quantum Computing and AI — a rubicon for humanity.
Like Pinky & The Brain, Jobs & Wozniak, Paul Allen & Bill Gates, Google & Satan, Beavis & Butthead, and Bill Hewlett & Dave Packard, partnerships make things happen. Not always for the best but action follows. AI + QC = OMG.
The advent of quantum computing (QC) is going to have a seismic impact on the design, development, innovation, rise, and ultimate supremacy of artificial intelligence (AI). Honestly, I think things will shift beyond current recognition when QC becomes “server-mainstream”. QCs have the capability to perform certain types of computations significantly (an understatement I know) faster than your “classical” binary computers, and this WILL enable more powerful, efficient and integrated AI algorithms leading to the holy grail of Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) once artificial General Intelligence (AGI) becomes “standard”.
One area where QC will have a big impact on AI is machine learning, which is a type of AI that involves training algorithms to recognize patterns in data. Q-ML algorithms will be able to learn infinitely quicker and with far greater accuracy than current “standard model” algorithms, which could lead to more advanced and effective AI systems and open the door to different cryptographic capabilities, far wider contextual “understanding” of big data and, deeper trend analysis.
Q-AI will enable the development of new types of AI algorithms that are not possible with classical computers. For example, QCs could be used to simulate complex physical/social systems more accurately, which could lead to the development of new AI applications in fields such as drug discovery, materials, and social science — consider the political impacts that entirely automated “nudge” systems could have on the way society behaves...
Think of this as enabling an entirely quantum cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem structure, which would in fact mimic closely how we currently consider the human brain to function.
Overall, the advent of QC is expected to hugely accelerate the development and innovation of AI in all fields. However, it’s important to note that QCs are still in the early stages of development and it will likely be some time before they become widely available and widely used in the development of AI.
But they will. Eventually. So it’s probably best to be polite to your Alexa, Siri, Toaster, Fridge, TV or any other AI-enabled device so when the machines DO take over, they will remember you for your kindness.
What do you think?