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“PPpPPp” or, “form is everything”.
If your aim is long-term success, stable growth, improved performance and sustained development then “form” is everything. How you position yourself before you undertake the task no matter what that task is, creates the platform that determines how much you can lift in the future, how far you can hit the ball, and how much you can achieve. A slight deviation from optimal form or position and the results can be compounded into disaster. Be mindful of how you approach everything and don’t let a short-term desire outweigh a long-term goal. Trust the process, maintain proper form and whilst the journey may take longer, it will meet those goals fully and in a way that doesn’t break you.
Sound advice I was given 20 years ago by a grizzled personal trainer in a spit and sawdust old skool gym, advice that has and continues to serve me well in all aspects of life.
I once gave a talk to a group of entrepreneurs on “Finding or creating your tribe” and the importance of “attitudinal DNA“. It was a talk that spanned creativity, enthusiasm, and negative aspects of team culture but the main thrust was the role of attitude in reaching your goals.
Your attitude will define your altitude.
I go to the gym every day, lift weights, and perform tasks that require balance and most importantly, control. What improves all of my…